Sunday, March 13, 2011


   Some people are naturally even-tempered. They have an internal ballast. When the seas of life get rough they go straight ahead.  There's no tension, they stay even-keeled, sailing bright and steady on that tranquil sea.
   Why do some people have that calmness? Stormy situations can be threatening, frightening and uncertain. Most people react poorly when upset, or challenged, but some people keep their composure.  Some people I know instinctively defer their own desires long enough to process rational thought, and don't get caught up in endless cycles of negativity. Calm, peaceful, tranquil, and always fair - they are peace-makers who help others smooth out bumps in the road. They do not look for "who is right" and "who is wrong," they're just there for others when times are hard. They will not tell you "how" to fix something, or "who" to call. They are the definition of serene. Their friends know that they can tell them anything, and they will never be judged.
  I have three friends like that! They are some of the greatest gifts in my life.

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