Tuesday, March 8, 2011


   Life is too amazing to waste on bad experiences. I'm not talking about dedicating long, hard days toward a worthy goal - that is not a waste. But spending days, followed by months, and even years just moving ahead without purpose, is a waste! And staying involved with people and activities that are negative or stagnating, wastes whole blocks of life! Always remember to retain your unique voice and feel free to express it.
   Knowing "yourself" is about living authentically. As a child you may have been encouraged to conform or face the consequences! Most people conform... and lose themselves in the process. Living authentically is being able to express honest thoughts, feelings, and opinions without condemning or judging others, and it's difficult. It's hard to be your own advocate.
   Truly finding your own voice is hard because it is hard to let go of expectations from your parents, family, supervisors, professors, etc of your formative years.  For good reasons, people are encouraged to color between the lines and fit in but they're not always encouraged to listen to their inner voices. This is a journey full of failures and successes that is never "done" because we are always growing and changing - and so are the people around us.

Questions to Ponder When You're Increasing Your Self-Awareness:
What makes your heart leap or your soul resonate?
When do you feel most happy and relaxed?

Living Authentically Involves Negative Feelings
When - and with whom - do you feel depressed, sad, or drained? Finding your identity involves avoiding those situations.
When do you feel physically ill or unhealthy? Authentic living means figuring that out, and avoiding those situations.
What meetings, visits, or events do you consistently find yourself dragging yourself to? Increasing your self-awareness is about limiting or eliminating those things.

   No life can be fulfilling without exposure to toil and stress. While life's goal is happiness and reward, it would never feel earned or appreciated without the struggle to attain it. But if your daily efforts are never met with praise or recognition, you have to ask yourself if you are in the right place, doing the right thing, with the right people! The University of Pennsylvania Authentic Happiness Study reported in a 2011 survey that the average American was happy 54% of the day, unhappy 20% of the day, and neutral 26% of that time. What percent of the day are you usually happy?

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